+44 (0)1454 414723
As OEMs, supplying High Vacuum Systems and Freeze Dryers to Nuclear, Aerospace & Defence, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas and Government Research Centres, we work to stringent quality management, health and safety and environmental standards.
We are certified to ISO9001:2015, Achilles UVDB registered and audited, Ariba registered, F-Gas certified and Highly Commended by the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (please click on the images below to download certificates). See also: Company Policies and Standards.
We are in direct Framework Agreements with blue chip customers, and supply universities and high profile manufacturers, as well as start-ups, both in the UK and overseas. Our client list includes Harvard University, GE, Magnox, Unilever, EDF, Thermo Fisher, Kew and English Heritage. We receive excellent customer feedback.